SISIKU アドクライス株式会社



Sep. 1945

Murata Forging Company founded at Nagadohe in the city of Kanazawa by Seisaku Murata as a private enterprise.
Apr. 1963

Reorganized the company with capital of ¥4.8 million, and changed the name to Murata Iron Works Co., Ltd.
Feb. 1965

Started manufacturing and sales of castors and platform trucks.
Jun. 1972

Sales division was separated to establish Murata Shoji Co., Ltd.
Apr. 1974

Started manufacturing and sales of castors under the brand name of “SISIKU”.
Jul. 1979

Scaffolding castor “SJ/SC series” authorized by Scaffolding and Construction Equipment Association of Japan Inc. A. No.140493
Jul. 1987

Started sales of Automated Guided Platform Truck “SANTA series”.
Dec. 1987

New SISIKU factory was completed in Tsurugi-machi, Ishikawa district. With the start of operation of factory, Murata Shoji Co., Ltd. moved to the premise of the factory.
Nov. 1988

Murata Iron Works Co., Ltd. and Murata Shoji Co., Ltd. were consolidated to establish Murata Co., Ltd.
Apr. 1990

Increased capital to ¥30 million.
Nov. 1992

Set up to the Tokyo-office in Edogawa-ku, Tokyo.
Apr. 1993

Started sales of Simple Automated Guided Platform Truck “CANRRY series”.
Jun. 1994

Shock Absorbing Castor “SAJ-SAK series” designated as New Technology product by Ishikawa pref. government.
Mar. 1999

Platform truck series was certified to meet standard set by Japan Material Handling Association.
◆Mini Luck(SA):Certification No. JMHA-004
◆My Luck(MA) :Certification No. JMHA-005
◆V Luck(VB) :Certification No. JMHA-006
Nov. 2000

Heihachi Iyekura became president.
Mar. 2002

Acquired Quality Management system ISO 9001 2000 certification for all facilities (Certificate authority: BVQI/Accreditation organization:UKSA)
Jul. 2002

The capital was increased to ¥31 million.
Jul. 2002

The company name changed into “SISIKU ADDKREIS CORPORATION” from Murata Co., Ltd.
Apr. 2003

Mr. Murata, the Chairman of the Board of SISIKU ADDKREIS CORPORATION, awarded the Medal with Blue Ribbon.
Aug. 2004

Demerged its Engineering Division to form SISIKU TECHNO CORPORATION.
Mar. 2005

Acquired Environmental Management system ISO 14001: 1996 certification (Certificate authority: BVQI/Accreditation organization:UKSA)
Mar. 2005

Relocated the Tokyo office to Omori, Ota-ku, Tokyo.
Sep. 2005

The ceremony for the 60th foundation anniversary was held.
Sep. 2007

The new Sakado factory was brought to view with a ceremony.
Apr. 2008

Relocated the Tokyo office to Haginaka, Ota-ku, Tokyo.
Nov. 2008

Relocated the Sales branch to Nagadohe, Kanazawa, Ishikawa.
Mar. 2009

Relocated the SISIKU TECHNO Co., Ltd. to Sakado, Tsubata-machi, Kahoku-gun, Ishikawa .
Apr. 2010

The certain katakana of company name “SISIKU” was changed to kanji.
Jun. 2010

Relocated the SISIKU TECHNO CORPORATION to Shinwa, Kanazawa, Ishikawa .
Jul. 2010

Relocated the manufacturing base to Sakado, Tsubata-machi, Kahoku-gun, Ishikawa .
Apr. 2011

Absorbed SISIKU TECHNO Co., Ltd. to set up Development Management department.
Apr. 2011

Relocated the Tokyo office to Higashikouziya, Ota-ku,Tokyo and changed the office name to Tokyo sales office.
Dec. 2011

Set up “Aqua department”. Adopted as a challenge support project of Ishikawa satoyama creation fund.
Sep. 2012

Founded “Mizuno Kodo Co.,Ltd.” to operate freshwater culture.
Oct. 2013

Our business as manufacturing SME was selected and subsidized by S.M.E.A. to support project of trial manufacture and development.
Nov. 2013

Mr. Murata, the chairman received the “Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays”
Jan. 2014

Returned certification of ISO14001 as environmental conservation efforts had been duly made across the company. (Continuing the efforts for environmental issue according to our original environmental policy.)
Sep. 2014

Adopted a project to be funded by ISICO for utilization of resources for regional industry vitalization.
Jan. 2015

Formed SISIKU LAO Co., Ltd.
Feb. 2016

Set up to Bangkok representative office in Bangkok, Thailand.
Sep. 2017

Construction of factory of SISIKU LAO Co.,Ltd in Vientiane, Laos was completed.
Aug. 2018

Relocated the head office to Nagadohe, Kanazawa, Ishikawa
Aug. 2019

Absorbed Mizunokodo Co., Ltd. to set up Mizunokodo department internally.
Oct. 2019

New building was completed at Sakado factory.
Jun. 2020

Yusuke Murata became president.